Meet Dr. Byrd

Dr. María Juárez Byrd is an exotic and small animal veterinarian who earned her degree from Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

An early start…

Like many in the field, María dreamed of being a veterinarian from the bright young age of six. She nurtured the passion through frequent trips to the Kansas City Zoo and her home ‘zoo’ (composed of dogs, turtles, frogs, beta fish, guinea pigs, a bunny, bearded dragons, a water dragon, and two secret mice – smuggled into her room unbeknownst to her parents). 

Her adventures have included: triaging turtle hatchlings, bandaging raptors, fish anesthesia, reef health research, rabbit dentals, hamster eye surgery, alligator husbandry evaluation, frog physical exams, and more!


María attended the University of Missouri, earning her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in only three years.

She journeyed across the globe, studying bioconservation in Thailand, captive wildlife management in South Africa, and sustainable farming in Costa Rica. In the classroom María excelled in animal physiology, nutrition, genetics, statistics and other advanced courses.

As an undergraduate María conducted translational research in neuroscience and research in comparative reproductive physiology. Her efforts culminated in an honors thesis and two peer reviewed publications. In 2015 she was one of five undergraduates selected internationally for a travel award from the Society for Neuroscience.

Veterinary School

She feels fortunate to have earned her veterinary degree from Cornell, one of the few veterinary schools to offer extensive education in exotic animal medicine.

Beyond the classroom, she volunteered at the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital caring for native wildlife. Her patients included bald eagles, ospreys, porcupines, turtles, deer, squirrels, and other critters! 

In her final year of veterinary school, she interned for three months at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Reproductive Management Center and two months with the University of Missouri Comparative Medicine Program. She also completed two months of exotics-focused clinical rotations at Cornell. She had the responsibility (and immense joy) of researching the husbandry and physiology of rare species that struggled to meet their Species Survival Plan goals; recommending follow-up plans for those species; assisting in surgeries and anesthesia; and comforting hospitalized patients.


Dr. Byrd and her husband are raising their baby Byrd in mid-Missouri. She offers veterinary services to local clinics including microsurgery, abdominal surgery, rodent dentals, wellness exams, preventative care, husbandry reviews, microscopy, and more. Dr. Byrd is happy to work with any patient the hospital can accommodate.

In addition to relief work, she writes the Exotic Health & Husbandry medical articles, teaches for the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in the Master of Veterinary Science and Certificate in Veterinary Science programs, and offers one-on-one virtual consultations to exotic pet owners.

How do I find Dr. Byrd?

Schedule a virtual consultation with Dr. Byrd, peruse her Facebook page, and keep an eye out for her videos (coming soon).

You can also find her professional membership profiles online:
Association of Avian Veterinarians
Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians
Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians

I want to apply to vet school, can I talk to Dr. Byrd about how she got there?

YES! I love chatting with veterinary hopefuls about preparing for veterinary school. I can review your application and help you develop a plan to make yourself more competitive. We can also discuss whether veterinary school is the right choice for you. 

Use our Contact page to reach out and tell me you want to chat about veterinary school. I will send you a promo code for a free video chat. You can read more about my background in advising on our Services page. 

IMPORTANT NOTES: Discussing sick animals will result in a consultation fee. I cannot write letters of recommendation for applicants I have not personally and extensively worked with. I have a limited number of volunteer sessions available and will offer them on a first-come-first-serve basis, please request them early! 

I have more questions

Check out our FAQs page for more information.

A peek at Dr. Juárez Byrd’s educational journey

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Cornell University, 2021

• President | Theriogenology Club
• Co-president | Pain Management Club
• Vice President | Lab Animal Medicine Club
• Treasurer | Surgery Club
• Treasurer | Thomistic Institute, Cornell Chapter

30 credit hours of exotics courses in addition to internships, externships, and the basic veterinary curriculum

Farm Animal Internship 


Town and Country Animal Hospital, Louisburg, KS

Bachelor of Science in Animal Science

University of Missouri, 2016

• Computational Neuroscience, Minor
• Leadership & Public Service, Minor

Special Honors

Since 2013

Hesburgh Scholarship Award Winner, University of Missouri General Education Department, 2016

Outstanding Senior Nominee, University of Missouri College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2016

Top 10 Animal Science Senior, University of Missouri Division of Animal Sciences, 2016

Trainee Professional Development Award, Society for Neuroscience, 2015

Veterinary Research Scholar, MU Comparative Medicine Program, 2015

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Scholar, University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, 2013


Dr. Byrd is a member of the following professional organizations.