Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

Exotic Health & Husbandry provides free evidence-based educational content for exotic animal care providers. 

Dr. Byrd offers virtual and in-person exams. Read more about those below. 

Can you treat my pet?

 State and federal regulations prevent veterinarians from diagnosing diseases and prescribing medications without an IN PERSON physical exam. This is for the safety of the animal. Exotic Health & Husbandry provides education based on species needs for the prevention of disease and promotion of animal welfare.

Dr. Byrd offers virtual and in-person exams. Read more about those below. 

Can I schedule a virtual consultation?

Dr. Byrd offers virtual consultations through Vetster. Use BYRD10 to get 10% off! You can schedule by using the Contact Page, Vet Locator Page, or See Dr. Byrd button. 

The vast majority of exotic pet health issues are related to husbandry problems. Virtual consultations allow Dr. Byrd to see your home set up (hides, lighting, food type, ventilation, potential stressors, etc.) and offer suggestions for improvement. Virtual visits are fantastic opportunities to ask a veterinarian questions from the comfort of your home. Topics could include: 

• Is there anything about my current set-up or care that might increase the risk of disease?
• How to monitor and maintain water quality
• What food to pick and which supplements to add
• How to prepare for emergencies
• How to set up quarantine
• What species can live near each other
• Zoonotic diseases (illnesses your animal could pass to you or immunocompromised people in your home)

Can I schedule an in-person exam?

We’d love to see you in person! In fact, an in-person exam is legally required for Dr. Byrd to prescribe you drugs (like antibiotics and pain medications).

Dr. Byrd is an independent contractor who works closely with Southwest Animal Hospital in Jefferson City, MO. Many of the staff have their own exotic pets including snakes, lizards, hedgehogs, hamsters, rabbits, and a tarantula. Southwest Animal Hospital offers exotic pets access to surgery, x-rays, blood work, diagnostic tests, and more.

Call (573) 635-5411 to schedule an appointment. Ask to see Dr. Byrd.  

Are you licensed?

María Juárez Byrd is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine licensed to treat animals in the state of Missouri. When she’s not working for Exotic Health and Husbandry, she provides relief work to local clinics. 

Can my breeder diagnose my pet?

The diagnosis and treatment of animals are legally restricted to licensed healthcare professionals. Animal enthusiasts (and even vets) who diagnose and recommend treatments to animals in states they are not licensed to practice medicine in may face legal consequences. The unintentional practice may include diagnosing an animal based on an image, e.g. “your gecko has metabolic bone disease” or recommended treatment for a health issue, e.g. “give your gecko calcium daily to cure metabolic bone disease”.

There is a wealth of knowledge outside the veterinary profession that improves the lives and welfare of animals. Veterinarians, breeders, and dozens of other molds of animal care providers must collaborate to optimize the health and welfare of animals in human care.